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The Pacific Crest Trail

Updated: Mar 16, 2019

The Pacific Crest Trail is a journey like no other, starting at the US/Mexico border travelers will en devour on a 4,265 kilometer by either foot or horse through some of North America's most unforgettable landscapes to the US/Canadian border. Travelers will journey through three states in order to complete the walk, including California, Oregon and Washington. Between these three states a spectrum of climates and landscapes will present themselves from as hot deserts and cold mountains to wet rainy forests

For the average hiker the PCT will take a good five months to complete, but to the more Elite Athlete it has been known to be completed in two to three months. It is recommended that Northbound hikers start their journey in late April or early May so that the elements are in their favor. Numerous thru-hikers have found their journey cut short due to dangerous conditions in less forgiving months. But with good planning and research much of this can be avoided!

Finally, we recommend that for any further details or questions you go to the Pacific Crest Trail Associations website ( Here you can find answers to all your questions and advice on the do's and don'ts as well as the how to's. Last but not least, GOOD LUCK!

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